Used Horizon, Muller and HBG saddle stitchers for sale

You will find a great selection of used saddle stitchers for sale on PressCity.  

Second hand Muller Martini stitching lines predominate, including used Prima, Bravo, Minuteman, Presto and Amrys saddle stitchers.  

Used Heidelberg Stitchmasters include the ST 100, ST 300 and ST 450 saddle stitchers and stitching lines.

Showing: 1-25 of 1 results
Heidelberg SM 72 5-color

1997 Heidelberg SM 72 5-color

MACHINE FOR MANUFACTURE OF NOTEBOOKS checkbooks, notepads, etc.. - Stapling up to 20 mm thick - Speed between 600 to 1000 books / Hour - M

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1997 MULTIPIK 450

MACHINE FOR MANUFACTURE OF NOTEBOOKS checkbooks, notepads, etc.. - Stapling up to 20 mm thick - Speed between 600 to 1000 books / Hour - M

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