Used imagesetters for sale

Used imagesetters for sale on PressCity include popular models from manufacturers like Theimer, Linotype-Hell and Heidelberg  (used Quasor), used AGFA Avantra and Accuset, used Heidelberg Hercules and Linotronic.

Showing: 1-25 of 3 results
Heidelberg SM 72 5-color

Heidelberg SM 72 5-color

Linotype-Hell Linotronic 330 + Laser exchanged + RIP (HQ, RIP50) at additional cost Das abgebildete Gerät haben wir immer aus Messen mitg

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Linotype-Hell Linotronic 330 + Laser getauscht + RIP (HQ, RIP50) gegen Aufpreis

Linotype-Hell Linotronic 330 + Laser getauscht + RIP (HQ, RIP50) gegen Aufpreis

Linotype-Hell Linotronic 330 + Laser exchanged + RIP (HQ, RIP50) at additional cost Das abgebildete Gerät haben wir immer aus Messen mitg

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Linotype-Hell Quasar für Speedmaster SM52 mit Stanze

Linotype-Hell Quasar für Speedmaster SM52 mit Stanze

If you need more information about this machine please follow this link for full actual description and lot of more pictures and videos:

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Heidelberg Quasar

Heidelberg Quasar

Linotype-Hell Quasar Type 4570 Not-New according to our terms of service (AGB) f you need more information about this machine please

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