Xinwei Machinery QFM - 460 B



Xinwei QFM - 460 B Automatic case making machine
Equipped with:
- Automatic board feeder - suction type
- Automatic cover material (cloth / paper) feeder
- Automatic glue application
- Suction belt transfer of cover material to spotting location
- Transfer to first turn in station
-Transfer to second turn in station
- Delivery section with belt

Condition: Excellent, mechanically & visually
Available: Immediately

Any test possible until 15th November 2019

Priced to sell quickly

Portman Graphic Limited

Portman Graphic Limited
Verified dealer
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Manufacturer: XINWEI
Model: QFM - 460 B
Year: 2012
Size: 830 x 450 mm.
Location: Ireland
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