Wohlenberg Champion 7000 (Solo)



Soft cover perfect bound books with hotmelt glue, Book blocks for hard cover books with lining using coldglue, Handfeeding station for one person, Model: Champion 7000, Number of clamps: 22, Main milling station, First spine preparation station, Second spine preparation unit, Third spine preparation unit, Brushing station, Including dust extraction system, Base for spine gluing station, Base for side gluing station, Exchangeable hotmelt spine gluing unit, Exchangeable cold glue spine gluing unit, Hotmelt side glue station, Gauzing station, Rotary cover feeder, Pump, First nipping and pressing station, Second nipping and pressing station, Vertical stacking delivery, Lay down device

KGT Kool Graphic Trade B.V.

KGT Kool Graphic Trade B.V.
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Manufacturer: Wohlenberg
Year: 1996
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