Technograf ANT 250 Pur



Compact and semi-automatic one-clamp perfect binding machine for short and medium runs, The new ANT 250 is completely controlled by PLC and is equipped with an innovative PUR / Hot-Melt gluing system, The new technology and the special design ensure the maximum safety for the operator and the highest binding quality.

Technical data:
Book size min: 100 x 100 mm (w x h), max: 350 x 420 mm (w x h), Thickness min: 1 mm, max: 50 mm (milled blocks), max: 80 mm (sewn blocks), Cycle speed approx. 250 Cycles/hour, Electrical requirements approx. 3 kW, Floor space 2.500 mm x 1.105 mm (l x w).

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Manufacturer: Technograf
Model: ANT 350 Pur
Year: 2010
Stations: 1
Size: 350 x 420 mm.
Location: Netherlands
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