Techkon RS 800 Bundle - RS 800 Spectral- Densitometer + USB Dongle Espresso Pro für LAB Messung + Schiene/Lineartrack Optional



Techkon RS 800 Bundle - RS 800 Spectral Densitometer + USB Dongle Espresso Pro for LAB Measurement + Rail / Lineartrack Optional

Not new according to our terms and conditions

This bundle consists of the following components:

USB dongle: Techkon Espresso Pro with release EXEL export and disconnection spectral and release density

More releases are not available for this dongle.

Options: (not included):
Closed loop machine control
CIP 3 learning option
Wire connection for printing machine
PSO software for calibration of CTP system (tonal value adjustment)
Linear track or anchoring bar

We have several anchoring rails in the warehouse and must know for which printing machine the system is purchased.
We can supply these in all sizes for an extra charge. Smaller rails cost less than large or even custom-made ones.

Alternative products are:
Techkon SpectroJet
Techkon SpectroDrive
X-Rite Intellitrax
X-Rite Easytrax

Brakensiek Systemhaus GmbH & Co. KG

Brakensiek Systemhaus GmbH & Co. KG
Verified dealer
Manufacturer: Techkon
Model: RS 800 Spectral-Densitometer
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