Stahl TI 52 4 KBi Ti 52Ri52



Center control-panel DCT-500, Tremat head, Flat pile feeder, 1. fold-station 52 cm, 4 buckles, Rear supported knife-shafts with accessories, 2. foldstation 52 cm, 4 buckles, Extra transfer-device to 2. foldstation, MBO-SAP-46L, mobile vertical pile-delivery + press-station, year 2000, Anti-noise-hoods, Air-support: from center-support-system, ACC-2.4 for glue-system control

Camporese Macchine Grafiche SpA

Camporese Macchine Grafiche SpA
Verified dealer
Manufacturer: Stahl
Model: T 52
Year: 2000
Has Autoplate Loading: Yes
Size: 520 mm.
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