
Ref:9902 . 2000 Stahl TD94/4-8-MWV-4-PD-T Mailer Line.

PD 94 pallet loading feeder with Tremat suction head

DCT 2000 digital control

Buckle plates with deflectors

Sound hoods on all buckle units

Folding/scoring equipment:

Stahl TD94-4 first folding station – 94 cm with 4 buckle plates

MWS 78.DR mailing table

2.TD78/8-T second folding station with gate-fold unit & control

UFS 112.D.SE mailing/gluing table for ink-jet, card gluing, etc.

3.TD66/4-T third folding station

SRT-56-Fre.D/G plow fold roller table (finishing station)

SAK 94.S1 shingle delivery unit.

Gluing equipment for: Latex gluing, Horse Shoe gumming, Spot gluing

2 x Robatech ‘Concept 4’ hot-melt gluing units

?2 x hhs pressurised cold glue units with electronic control.

Atlas MachinesDirect UK Ltd

United Kingdom
Atlas MachinesDirect UK Ltd
Verified dealer
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Manufacturer: Stahl
Model: TD 94
Year: 2000
Size: 940 mm.
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