Preferred Packaging PP500BM Poly Bagging Machine



Power: Amperage: Voltage: Phase:
5kw 20 230 3 ~

Pneumatic System:
Type Make Model Serial number kw AMP Observations
Compressor (compressed air) Atlas Copco 6A22 API461345 Pneumatic system

Type Make Model Serial number kw AMP Observations
Suction compressor (9 pcs)
Motor Reducer (9 pcs)
Motor Reducer Transport chain

Type Make Model Serial number kw AMP Observations
Servomotor MITSUBISHI HF-K373KW1-S100 0.75 5.2 Girdle 1 Bagging area
Servomotor MITSUBISHI HF-K373KW1-S100 0.75 5.2 Girdle 2 bagging area
Motor Reducer Fig M2V-A63BB-4 0.3 1.5 Girdle 3 Bagging area
Motor Reducer Fig M2V-A63BB-4 0.3 1.5 Motor for Horizontal displacement of the jaw
Servomotor MITSUBISHI HF-K373KW1-S100 0.75 5.2 Servo for Vertical displacement of the jaw
Servomotor MITSUBISHI Servo for closing of Moradaza
Motor Reducer Fig For flap disposal
Servomotor MITSUBISHI 0.4 2.9 For flap rollers
Servomotor MITSUBISHI HC-KFS13 0.1 0.7 For small rollers in the bagging area
Motor Reducer Fig 0.3 1.5 Plastic tensioning

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United States
Graphic Innovators
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Manufacturer: Sitma
Model: Sitma 750
Year: 2010
Size: 420 x 300 mm.
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