Sigloch SB 6000 / 1E



Hand feeding station for one person, Block thickness control, Milling station, Cold glue spine glue unit, Intermediate Infra Red dryer, Cold glue spine glue unit, Backlining station, Forming station, HF High Frequency dryer, make: Strayfield, HF High Frequency dryer, model: Big 6, Age: 1997, Drying, cooling and transport system, Drying, cooling and tranport system, length: +/- 30 mtr, Nipping machine, make: Karl Tranklein, Specifications are subject to manufacturers changes in similar models, Maximum book block size: 510 x 320 x 80 mm, Minimum book block size: 100 x 90 x 3 mm, Maximum mechanical speed: 70 cycles/min, Full specifications on request

KGT Kool Graphic Trade B.V.

KGT Kool Graphic Trade B.V.
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Manufacturer: Sigloch
Model: SB 6000
Year: 1997
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