Screen PlateRite PT-R6600S



Screen PlateRite PT-R6600S Thermal plate recorder
S/N: 93. MFG date: FEB 2010
- EP-B101 network interface (or PIFF card) + cable
- Internal punch (Bacher 425 (GTO 52, Ryobi etc) or Komori)
- Screen Trueflow Ver. 7.3.4, (license + dongle + software)
- Plate winding cycles: 120.000
- New clamps. Clamp cycles: 507 (Maximum 30.000)
- Light source: 64-channel infrared laser diodes
- Plate sizes: min. 304 x 370 mm, max. 980 x 685 mm
- Plate thickness: 0.15 to 0.30 mm
- Productivity: max. 30 plates/hour at 2400 dpi
- Resolutions: 1200/2400/2438/2540 dpi
Screen SA-L6600 Single Auto Loader
S/N: 59. MFG date: FEB 2009
- Fully automatic plate loading
- 1 cassette (100 plates)
- Automatic interleaf removal
Azura C85 (Glunz & Jensen C85) Washer
S/N: 92700-0283, 2005-model
Grafoteam Advand PST 26 Plate Stacker
S/N: M211326511, 2005-model

Print Supply A/S

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Manufacturer: Screen
Model: PT-R6600S
Year: 2010
Size: 980 x 685 mm.
Location: Norway
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