Ryobi 3302 H



Serial No. 1088
No. of printing units 2
Max paper size 340 x 450mm
Minimum paper size. 90 x 100mm
Maximum printing area 330 x 438mm
Stock Range 0.04 - 0.3mm
Dampening system Continuous alcohol dampening
Max Speed 10,000sph
Weight 1,300kg

The Ryobi 3302H is a 2 colour SRA3 portrait press with a speed of 10,000 sheets per hour. With metered dampening and chiller recirculation device.

Portman Graphic Limited

Portman Graphic Limited
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Manufacturer: Ryobi
Model: 3300
Year: 1998
Impressions: 30 mio.
Color(s): 2
Size: 340 x 450 mm.
Location: Ireland
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