Rilecart FP-340



We are pleased to offer:

Rilecart FP-340 Wire Bind

It is very easy to bind a document with the Fp 340. First You have to punch the block of sheets acting on the hand (or foot)-switch. Second You have to put the spiral in the sheets: to do this You can help yourself by inserting the spiral in the suitable groove. Third you just have to close the wire by the cranck.In case you're making calendars also the hanger must be put manually.


Uses WireBind Rilematic® Wires in cut-length
For all diameters in the pitches 3:1" and 2:1".
Maximum binding length: 340 mm. (14").
Maximum punching thickness 2 mm.
Interchangeable punching bars.
Patented slot for facilitating the sheet's insertion in the wire.

Power supply: 220 V single phase

Size: 500 x 500 x 280 mm
Weight: 45 kg


United Kingdom
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Manufacturer: Rilecart
Model: FP-340
Size: 210 x 148 mm.
Location: United Kingdom
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