
Book Production Line - consisting of:

Three Knife Trimmer Merit-S (3671) with left hand infeed, standard changeable cutting tables, knive changing device , 2 sets of knives and belt delivery

Book Line Diamant 60 with commander, Amrys automatic adjustment system, automatic signature thickness control, infeed belt, infrared-heating for block rounding, corner roller table and star feeder, rounding and backing station, first gluing station with viscosity control, gauzing station, second gluing station with viscosity control, head and tail banding station, Nordson Hotmelt for joint gluing (nozzle), pressing station, case pre-stacking conveyor, case bending station, case magazine with suction belt separation, universal splitter for head and bottomsplitter and casing-in machine

Forming and Pressing Machine EP 680 L with commander, straight infeed and left hand delivery

Book Stacker BLSD 650 with commander, turning device and straight delivery

GGM Graphische Gebrauchtmaschinen Handelsgesellschaft mbH

GGM Graphische Gebrauchtmaschinen Handelsgesellschaft mbH
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Manufacturer: Müller Martini
Model: Diamant 60
Year: 2002
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