Muller Martini - VBF Diamant 60 + EP 680



Make: Diamant 60, Commander, Automatic setting, Book block infeed, Pre-heater, Rounding and backing station, Gluing unit, Gauzing station, Gluing unit, Head and tail banding station, Casing-in station, Case prestacking conveyor, Case bending station, Glue circulation pump, Model: EP 680, Automatic setting, Straight infeed, Delivery to the left, Model: BLSD 600 D, Turning device, Straight delivery

KGT Kool Graphic Trade B.V.

KGT Kool Graphic Trade B.V.
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Manufacturer: Müller Martini
Model: Diamant
Year: 2001
Size: 300 x 380 mm.
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