Muller Martini DIAMANT 60



Ref:9837 . 2004 Muller Martini Diamant 60 Casing-in Line.

RHE 621 Casing-in line with ‘AMRYS’ Pre-setting System. 

Equipped with:

AMRYS computer system for automatic make-ready with touch screen display

ASIR II case position control

AS 620 Spine warm up section for hot-melt bound books

RA 640 Rounding & backing station

GK 650 with 2 x gluing, gauzing, paper lining, head & tail banding

EH 660 Casing-in station with automatic case feeding

EP 680R rotary jointforming and pressing unit

BLSD 600 book stacker.

The Müller Martini Diamant offers a high level of efficiency even in the case of small runs, with short set-up times enabling fast changeover, high quality production coupled with high output levels and ease of operation.

Atlas MachinesDirect UK Ltd

United Kingdom
Atlas MachinesDirect UK Ltd
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Manufacturer: Müller Martini
Model: Diamant
Year: 2004
Size: 300 x 380 mm.
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