Müller Martini Bravo Plus



Total number of chain stations: 7 x, Universal bases, positions:: 7 x, Horizontal signature feeder, model: 370 - 5x, Cover feeder, model: 1528 - 1x, Pump(s), Stitching unit: Müller Martini Bravo Plus (380), Colour monitor(s) with touch screen, Stitching control, Stitching head(s), model: HK 75 - 2x, Trimmer, model: Müller Martini 449, 2 sets of knives, Compensating stacker: Müller Martini Perfetto (450), Age: 2007, Delivery to the left, Roller table delivery

KGT Kool Graphic Trade B.V.

KGT Kool Graphic Trade B.V.
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Manufacturer: Müller Martini
Model: Bravo
Year: 2007
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