MK 1050YMI - II



4 Shafts in longitudinal
8 Heating Zones

Technical Spec
1. The maximum sheet size: 1050mmX750mm

2. The minimum sheet size: 400mmX350mm

3. The maximum die cutting size: 1040mmX740mm

4. The maximum foil stamping size: 1020mmX730mm

5. Gripper margin: 9~17mm

6. Inner chase size: 1120mmX779mm

7. Stock range: 90~2000g/m2 cardboard0.1~2mm cardboard4 mm corrugated

8. Accuracy: =±0.075mm(die cutting and foil stamping)

9.Maximum pressure: 2.5MN

10. Maximum working speed: 5,000 SPH

BBR Graphics

United Kingdom
BBR Graphics
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Manufacturer: MK Masterwork
Model: 1050 YMI
Year: 2003
Size: 1050 x 750 mm.
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