Mitsubishi DIAMOND 3000 5 S+SPC



Comrac IPC2 Console ink, axial, circumferential diagonal remote control, CIP3/PPF converter for Console format to trasfer directly ink profile from pre-press to press, X-Rite Control : spectrophotometric quality control, Preset : automatic size device on feeder & delivery with pressure adjustment by console, Ultrasonic double-sheet control, Double sheet electronic detection, Non-stop on feeder, Out of sheet pull lay detector, Advanced sheet detector, Sheet control on front registers, Antistatic on feeder, Automatic roller wash-up device, Automatic blanket washers with cloth by Elettra, Automatic impression cylinder washers with cloth by Mitsubishi, Mitsubishi trivalent damping, Technotrans cabin cooling and circulation with automix device, SPC - Semi-automatic plate change, Inks de-clutching device on 1° and 5° printing units, Ink sector with removable Teflon cover, Double diameter impression and transfer cylinders, Cylinders at 7 o'clock disposition, Plate and blanket cylinders in metalized steel, Chromed impression cylinders, Sheet transfer jackets in IPC for transfer cylindes, Blanket lock system with a single movement, No adjiustment of the grippers height with paper thickness from 0,04 to 0,6 mm, Contact rings cleaning device, Remote control of ink roller rotation, Remote control of ink concentration adjusting, High precision tapered bearings on all cylinders, Grafix powder spray, Grafix filter for powder spray suction, Anti shadows grippers in delivery, Sheet decurler, Non-Stop in delivery, Antistatic in delivery, Baldwin IVT GraphiSet 2 IR/dryer, Printable tickness capacity from 0.04 to 0,6 mm.

Camporese Macchine Grafiche SpA

Camporese Macchine Grafiche SpA
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Manufacturer: Mitsubishi
Model: Diamond 3000
Year: 2004
Color(s): 5
Has Autoplate Loading: Yes
Size: 720 x 1020 mm.
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