
PUR Adhesive Advantages

Improved binding strength across all paper types
Better lay flat due to smaller glue film
Resistant to ink solvent migration
Wider temperature range - keeps working in extreme heat or cold
Lasts longer than hot melt
Replaces expensive sewing

Meler Advantages

MELER technology designed and manufactured in-house. MADE IN EU
Quality and optimal price to achieve the requirements
Customized to the specific needs of each application
Shipments of systems and spare parts for next day delivery
International operations with 27 subsidaries and partners worldwide
Global technical support direct from site central offices, subsidaries and

Component Application System

Great range of MELER melters for PUR; Different hose diameters and lengths; Adjustable slot gun up to 60 or 100mm; Infrared glue detection; Double pressure system for accurate application; Patterns controller for different book lengths

Windward Graphic Equipment Limited

United Kingdom
Windward Graphic Equipment Limited
Verified dealer
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Manufacturer: Meler PUR Systems
Model: Meler PUR
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