MBO K 800.2/4 S-KTZ



Folding Machine:
- NAVIGATOR-Control with touch-screen
- round pile feeder DUALFEED
- additional folding buckle after 1st folding knife
- gate fold plate
- automatic buckle plate adjustment
- slide-out slitter shaft cassette MWK
- turnable threefold knife-unit (2 folding knives)
- noise reduction hoods
- mobile folding unit Z 2 (32 pages)
- PALAMIDES Stack Delivery ALPHA 500 plus (year 2008)

GGM Graphische Gebrauchtmaschinen Handelsgesellschaft mbH

GGM Graphische Gebrauchtmaschinen Handelsgesellschaft mbH
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Manufacturer: MBO
Model: K800.2/4S-KTZ
Year: 2007
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