MBO B30/4 Efficiency Folding Machine



MBO B30 Efficiency folding machine, equipped with:
- Round pile feeder B30 E-R
- First folding unit, 4 buckle plates
- MBO SBAP 72 ME delivery

Equipped with counter, anti noise hood and pumps

Technical specifications MBO B30 E-R
Infeed width 15 - 76 cm
Infeed length 18 - 125 cm
Speed 10 - 205 m/min

Technical specifications MBO SBAP 72 ME
Working width without ME max 73 cm
Working width with ME max 70 cm
Sheet width 8 - 30 cm
Pile length max 73 cm
Infeed height 38 - 95 cm
Speed 30 - 160 m/min

Rob-Son Graphics International B.V.

Rob-Son Graphics International B.V.
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Manufacturer: MBO
Model: B30
Year: 2002
Location: Netherlands
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