T800 Perfection Navigator Controlled Folder with automation



2007 T800 Perfection Navigator Controlled Folder with automation
buckle & rollers setting automatic
Continuous feeder
1st Right angle T 800.1 - R 800 , T 800.1 -1-78/4 AUT
2nd Right angle T 800.1 -2- 68/4 AUT ,
Delivery ASP 82-2ME Presser
Palamides Alpha 500 Stacker
Polar Lift
pre-slitter shaft in the paralell and right angles
capable of L perf
Machine has slitter shaft cassette in parallel and right angle
Has JDF software, or CIP3/CIP4
In the prepress if you have folder imposition software can
be sent to machine, Operator can set up machine quickly
63 most common fold impositions are already pre set in MBO catalogue
Increments to tightening rollers are 10 -20 times finer than competition
Rollers can be moved to side to side
Can have up to a 1000 jobs can be saved on machine or hooked up to a computer and have infinite jobs saved.

Signature stacker, similar to counter stacker,
ASP delivery with crushing, pressing and marking, can be used a batcher without stopping feeder.
Vacuum guide “VIVAS” vacuum feed & vacuum alignment, Cones system in rt angle and in 16 page section. Cones are plastic so does not mark.

Avg. 10,000 - 12,000 an hour for 16 page signatures (13,000 max speed for 16 page speeds). Always depends on substrate
Capable of 9200 inches per minute
Local MBO Rep says machine is in Excellent.
Machine was over $350,000 new
1 shift machine (like new condition)
Does not have a Gate fold attachment and can be added

Best Buys Graphics Inc.

United States
Best Buys Graphics Inc.
Verified dealer
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Manufacturer: MBO
Model: T 800-1- 78/4
Year: 2007
Size: 800 mm.
Location: United States
Price: Log in to see prices
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