LM Innovations Onglematic Model 06 P & PG



We are pleased to offer:

LM Innovations Onglematic Model 06 P & PG
Electric tab cutter allows you to create your tab dividers in-house quickly and easily.
It can be programmed to cut
between 2 and 31 dividers at the touch of a button.
In auto-mode the paper guide steps through the tab positions after each
cut, allowing collated sets to be produced in order.
The auto advance can also be turned off and stepped through tab by tab.
The digital display indicates the number of the dividers being cut so you can clearly monitor your job’s progression
Up to 500 sets of 9 tabs cut in less than 1 hour.
Can cut 35-40 sheets in a single stroke.
Up to 31 tabs or index dividers to any length up to 320mm
Digital adjustment
Foot pedal operation
15 jobs can be programmed in to machine for future use
Faster productivity
Cuts down on repetitive work
Makes this versatile machine, ideal for many different applications.
Very easy and quick to set-up with little training necessary
To help speed up production.
Great for repeat or regular jobs.
Max width 320mm
Number of tabs 2 -31
Tab depth up to 19mm (Except double round corner choices 10-12-14-17mm)
Max number of sheets 35-40 (80gsm)
Machine Size 680 x 360 x 370mm
Weight 40 kg
Power 220 V
Available immediately
Good working order
Test possible


United Kingdom
Verified dealer
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Manufacturer: LM Innovations Onglematic
Model: Model 06 P & PG
Year: 2009
Size: 320 mm.
Location: United Kingdom
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