Komori LS429



AMR pre-set device - KMS IV - PQC print quality control console - Chromed cylinders - Plate cylinder cocking - Komorimatic - SAPC semi-automatic plate change - High pile delivery - Baldwin IR dryer - ABW Automatic blanket washers - AIRC Automatic ink roller cleaners - Automatic impression cylinder washing device - KHS (fast print start system) - CIP 3/4 - Grafix powder spray - PQC-S console with overhead lamp - AMR automatic make ready system - Compressors - Technotrans Alpha C

Trinity Printing Machinery

United States
Trinity Printing Machinery
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Manufacturer: Komori
Model: Lithrone LS-29
Year: 2006
Color(s): 4
Has Autoplate Loading: Yes
Size: 530 x 750 mm.
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