Komori L540-P+LX



PQC, KMS, AMR, Steel plate in feeder, Number of printing unit(s): 5, Machine with perfecting: 5/0. 2/3, FAPC full automatic plate change, Komorimatic dampening system, Automatic blanket washing device, Automatic impression cylinder washing device, Dampening system: Technotrans Beta.C, Ink temperature control, Number of coating units: 1, Water base coating: chambered ductor system, IR drying system in delivery, Extended delivery, Powder spray unit, make: Grafix, Dampening cooling and circulation system: Technotrans

KGT Kool Graphic Trade B.V.

KGT Kool Graphic Trade B.V.
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Manufacturer: Komori
Model: Lithrone L-40/LS-40/GL-40/GS-40
Year: 1999
Size: 720 x 1030 mm.
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