
Perfect Binding Line - consisting of:

Gathering Machine ZU 804 with handfeeding, 16 stations with ATC automatic section thickness control and with OSC optoelectronic signature recognition system, stacker delivery ZA 800 to the right with integrated reject discharge and transfer channel as connection unit to the binder

Ratiobinder KM 600 with co-pilot with touch screen, 21 clamps, infeed incl. coupling to a ZU gathering machine, milling station (swivellable for tool change), exhaust control for milling station, spine preparing unit for equalizing milling and notching, brushing station with roller brush, Hotmelt spine gluing unit, premelter LH 375.B, Hotmelt side gluing unit, interchangeable PUR spine gluing unit, NORDSON Smelting Unit DuraPail 7140955 (KOLBUS XNO 961), lining station with manual swivelling mechanism, stream cover feeder with vacuum pump, 2 pressing stations, straight delivery, lay down device and KOLBUS 360 terminal for remote diagnosis

Transport and Drying Line with intermediate delivery TS.ZM (manual) and
conveyor electrical cabinet TS.EM

High Capacity Three Knife Trimmer HD 152.P (year 2005) with co-pilot with touch screen, right hand infeed, counter stacker, standard cutting tables, cut counter and silicon spraying device

RIMA Stacker (Kolbus XRS 125) with roller delivery to the right

GGM Graphische Gebrauchtmaschinen Handelsgesellschaft mbH

GGM Graphische Gebrauchtmaschinen Handelsgesellschaft mbH
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Manufacturer: Kolbus
Model: KM 600
Year: 2011
Size: 320 x 460 mm.
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