Kolbus KM 473



Book blocks for hard cover books with lining using hotmelt, Handfeeding station for one person, Number of clamps: 27, Co-pilot with touch screen monitor, Excluding milling and roughening station, Hotmelt spine glue station, Hotmelt side glue station, Premelter for hotmelt spine gluing system, model: LH 370, Premelter for hotmelt side gluing system, model: LH 370, Gauzing station, Stream cover feeder, First nipping and pressing station, Second nipping and pressing station, Gripper carriage delivery, Lay down device

KGT Kool Graphic Trade B.V.

KGT Kool Graphic Trade B.V.
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Manufacturer: Kolbus
Model: KM 473
Year: 2005
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