
20 x ZU804 gathering stations, handfeed, reject station with belt delivery, transfer to KM472 binder with 27 clamps, spine preparation unit, hotmelt spine glue and hotmelt side glue, gauzing, 2 x premelters, interchangeable Nordson PUR glue, aged 2005, stream cover feeder with 4 and 6 line scoring, twin level conveyer bet system, to Kolbus HD 150 three knife trimmer, Rima RS-3313S, Tools and original manuals Maximum speed: 6,000 cycles/hour, Maximum format: 310 x 460 mm, Minimum format: 100 x 125 mm, Minimum/maximum thickness: 3 mm to 60 mm (to be confirmed)

Pinheiros Corporation Ltd

United Kingdom
Pinheiros Corporation Ltd
Verified dealer
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Manufacturer: Kolbus
Model: KM 472.A
Year: 2000
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