
- 27 clamps
- handfeeding for 2 persons
- base for 1st spine gluing unit
- cold glue spine gluing unit with brush roller
- IR heating for intermediate drying
- base for 2nd spine gluing unit
- exchangeable cold glue spine gluing unit
- exchangeable PUR spine gluing unit with smelting unit
- exchangeable Hotmelt spine gluing unit with premelter
- base for side gluing unit
- exchangeable cold glue side gluing unit
- exchangeable Hotmelt side gluing unit
- lining station
- Non-Stop cover feeder
- 2 pressing stations
- HIMMEL high frequency drying
- gripper carriage delivery
- lay down device

GGM Graphische Gebrauchtmaschinen Handelsgesellschaft mbH

GGM Graphische Gebrauchtmaschinen Handelsgesellschaft mbH
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Manufacturer: Kolbus
Model: KM 472.A
Year: 2000
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