Kolbus KM 472.A



Type: Kolbus ZU 804
Gathering stations: 20x
Year: 2003
Hand feeding station
Reject Unit: Kolbus AS 800
Year: 2003
Number of clamps: 27
infeed incl. coupling to a ZU gathering
Milling station
Hotmelt spine gluing
Hotmelt side gluing
Cold glue: Spine Gluing
rill station for 4 times rill
Cover feeder: Stream cover feeder SAL 410.A
WST 3D-Feeder
Nipping and Pressing station
2nd Nipping and Pressing station
lay down device
High Frequncy Drying: Himmel High Frequency Dyring
conveyor belts
Mechanical Speed: 8.000 books/hour

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Manufacturer: Kolbus
Model: KM 472.A
Year: 2003
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