Kolbus KM 472.A



Soft cover perfect bound books with hotmelt glue, Book blocks for hard cover books with lining using coldglue, Handfeeding station for one person, Gathering machine, model: ZU 804, Number of gathering stations: 24, Pump(s), Setup element, Reject gate, for incomplete products, Stacking delivery with delivery conveyor, model: ZA 800, End sheet gluer, Transfer into the binder, Model: Ratiobinder KM 472.A, Number of clamps: 27, Monitor(s), Main milling station, First spine preparation station, Second spine preparation unit, Third spine preparation unit, Excluding dust extraction system, machine was connected to a centralised dust extraction system, Base for spine gluing station, Base for side gluing station, Base for second spine gluing station, Exchangable hotmelt spine gluing unit, Exchangable cold glue spine gluing unit, Exchangeable hotmelt side gluing unit (disk type), Premelter for hotmelt spine gluing system, Gauzing station, Stream cover feeder, First nipping and pressing station, Second nipping and pressing station, Lay down device, Conveyor system included, Model: Kolbus HD 151.P, Age: 1999, Copilot system with monitor, Infeed from the right, Knife changing device, 2 sets of knives, Model: Kolbus XRS 130 (Rima RS 3310S), Age: 1999, Compensating book stacker, Delivery to the right, Roller table delivery, Specifications are subject to manufacturers changes in similar models, Maximum book block size: 310 x 390 x 60 mm., Minimum book block size: 100 x 125 x 3 mm., Maximum mechanical speed: 8.000 cycles/hour, Full specifications on request

KGT Kool Graphic Trade B.V.

KGT Kool Graphic Trade B.V.
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Manufacturer: Kolbus
Model: KM 472.A
Year: 2001
Location: Netherlands
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