Kolbus BF512



IR heater, Copilot system with touch screen monitor, Automatic setting, Control table, Stand-alone pre-heating device, make: Kolbus HB 530, Starfeeder, Block position detection device, Automatic block thickness control, Rounding and backing station, Excluding gauzing station, Book mark glueing device, Head and tail banding station, Pressing station, Case prestacking conveyor, Case magazine, Case bending station, Case forming station, Hotmelt nozzle glue system: Robatech, Glue circulation pump, Book forming and pressing machine (integrated), with book forming station, with pressing station, with delivery station

KGT Kool Graphic Trade B.V.

KGT Kool Graphic Trade B.V.
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Manufacturer: Kolbus
Model: BF
Year: 2007
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