
Casemaker with:
board magazine for manual loading, centre strip infeed for the spine strip made of roll material, cloth feeder for interval charging with pile magazine,
miss cloth control during the separation process, moveable gluing station for processing hot-glue, cloth cylinder with grippers and exchangeable plates for rubber pad, glue application adjustment from outside of the machine, viscosity control, pressing roller device for crease-free connection of the cover material with boards and spine strip, device for producing padded cases, automatic case counter, single case request for control purposes done from the operating side, counter stacker delivery with following roller conveyor incl. table, board centre strip magazine and device for producing quarter-bound cases in 2 passes

GGM Graphische Gebrauchtmaschinen Handelsgesellschaft mbH

GGM Graphische Gebrauchtmaschinen Handelsgesellschaft mbH
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Manufacturer: Kolbus
Model: DA 260
Year: 2007
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