Kodak Kodak/Scitex EverSmart Jazz Plus



Scitex Creo Pro EverSmart


Software version 2.51 (Mac OS 9)


High-end A3 flatbed scanner Scitex / Creo EverSmart

Scan Technology:
- Number of CCD elements: 8.000
- XY technology
- TMA: integrated
- Optics: multi-level
- Scan depth: 14 bit
- Max. Scan area supervisor: 305x432 mm
- Max. Scanning surface inspection: 305x432 mm
- Density range: 3.7 D
- Final density (Dmax): 4.0 D
- Lamp Type: Lamp stack matched wideband operation is possible
- Auf-/Durchsicht mixed

Scanning Software features:
- Automatic cut detection
- Negative-positive conversion
- Selective color corrections
- Descreen printed images
- Scans can be saved in Lab
- Scans can be saved in 48-bit
- Embed ICC profiles
- Creating Scanner Profiles
- Monitor use of profiles
- Supported Platform: Mac OS (from 8.5 to 9.2.2)
- 2 x SCSI-1 connector
- Weight: 67 kg
- Base of the device: 87x70 cm
- Height of unit: 36 cm

Brakensiek Systemhaus GmbH & Co. KG

Brakensiek Systemhaus GmbH & Co. KG
Verified dealer
Manufacturer: Kodak
Model: Kodak/Scitex EverSmart Jazz Plus
Location: Germany
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