Kodak Lotem 800 II Quantum F-Speed with TH 2.5 Kopf mit 2 Dongles



Kodak Lotem 800 II Quantum F-Speed 0with TH 2.5 Head with 2 Dongles 4-2006 - Engine only

Not New

- Semi-cartridge removable
- Actual plate size is automatically loaded
- Max sheet format 1030 x 790 mm
- Exposure speed: 24 plates / h
- Maximum resolution 2540 dpi
- Screen rulings up to 120 lpi and staccato-grid
- Punch

engine only with 2 Dongles

Brakensiek Systemhaus GmbH & Co. KG

Brakensiek Systemhaus GmbH & Co. KG
Verified dealer
Manufacturer: Kodak
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