KBA (Koenig & Bauer) Rapida 105-4+P-SW2 (Perforating unit)



Colortronic, Ergotronic console, Densitronic Basic, Suction feeder table, Steel plate in feeder, Pre- loader, Number of printing unit(s): 4, Machine with perfecting: 4/0 - 2/2, Machine with perfecting device, P40 model, SAPC semi automatic plate change, Varidamp dampening, Automatic inking roller washing device, Automatic blanket washing device, Automatic impression cylinder washing device, Dampening system: Baldwin , Ink temperature control, Number of coating units: Perforating unit, Powder unit, Powder spray unit, make: Grafix Megatronic, Cabinets water cooled, Maximum output (copies/hour) : 18000

KGT Kool Graphic Trade B.V.

KGT Kool Graphic Trade B.V.
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Manufacturer: KBA
Model: Rapida 106
Year: 2007
Size: 740 x 1060 mm.
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