IDEAL 6550-95 EP



Electric guillotine with automatic pressure IDEAL 6550-95 EP of 2005 No.2208051, for professional use with a cutting length of 650 mm

electro-mechanical blade drive system

automatic pressure device

programmable electronic control to move the backgauge

direct entry of dimensions on the keypad

digital display dimensions

storing repetitive cuts

9 programs each with 9 cutting positions

electronic knurled knob for the progressive movement of the backgauge

SET function for moving the backgauge to the reference dimension

paper ejection programmable function

materialization of the optical cutting line

with metal stand and storage shelf paper

depth table: 610 mm

Minimum cut: 25 mm

with plexi safety cover, manuals, tools and supplied 2 new knives

Machine cleaned, checked ad tested


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Manufacturer: Ideal
Model: 6550-95EP
Year: 2005
Size: 950 mm.
Location: Belgium
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