
Horizon Stitchliner Mark III - 3x towers 6x stations each VAC-600Ha, VAC-600Hm, VAC-600Hc - ST-40 Stacker Receiving Tray - ST-CV horizontal conveyor - ACF-40 Accumulate Folder - SPF-40 Saddle Stitcher - 4x 52/8S stitching heads - CC40-08 center cut - HTS-40 Three Knife Trimmer with HTS-TD40 Thickness detector - TB-30 Trimming Blower - PJ-77R Jogger - PK-30 Preset Kicker - - (more technical infos upon request)

COCI S.A. (Compagnie Commerciale et Industrielle)

COCI S.A. (Compagnie Commerciale et Industrielle)
Verified dealer
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Manufacturer: Horizon
Model: Stitchliner 5500+VAC-100a/m/c
Year: 2017
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