Horizon HT 30C



We are pleased to offer:

Horizon HT – 30C
Innovative Three-side Trimmer – The new HT-30C three-side trimmer trims three sides of a book with a single knife. A pressure clamp holds and rotates the books for sequential top, fore-edge, and bottom trimming.
Robotic Trimming – The operator simply inputs untrimmed and trimmed book size at the color touchscreen. The HT-30C then performs all necessary setups automatically, and transports and trims each book.
Highly Accurate Finishing – Precise servo motors are employed for knife positioning to insure high-quality trimming. The servo-controlled hydraulic unit adjusts pressure automatically for markless trimming.
Nonstop Trimming – If the book dimensions are same, the HT-30C can trim books of different thickness continuously. Maximum trim thickness is 51 mm (2.0”).
Powerful Trimming – Knife operation and book clamping are hydraulically controlled for safe and powerful trimming.
Immaculate condition
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Manufacturer: Horizon
Model: HT 30
Year: 2017
Size: 300 x 300 mm.
Location: United Kingdom
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