Heidelberg SM52 1 +



CP TRONIC self diagnostic, control and monitor console, Axial, circumferential, diagonal register by CPTronic, Belt suction on feeder, Side lays adjusting control by CP TRONIC, ZMK electronic side lays control, Autoplate : semiautomatic plate change, Alcolor damping, Sector ink-fountain, Rollers wash up device controlled by CPTronic, Blanket and impression cylinders automatic washing devices by CPTronic, MGE ECO refrigeration with automix, Mediprint T-Tech powder spray, Plus Version, Numeration and perforation device, Speed 15.000 c/h

Camporese Macchine Grafiche SpA

Camporese Macchine Grafiche SpA
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Manufacturer: Heidelberg
Model: SM 52
Year: 2001
Color(s): 1
Has Autoplate Loading: Yes
Size: 370 x 520 mm.
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