Heidelberg XL75 8 LX3 F Hybrid Foil



Prinect Press Center console touch screen, axial, circumferential and diagonal register remote control, ink ductors rotation control, job memorization, Prinect Press Center MasterLevel, Prinect Press Center Color Fast Solution, Pile height sensor, Pneumatic side register control with integrated auto cleaning and double shee control with direct system, Ultrasonic double-sheet control, Double sheet detector - pulling device, Multiple-sheet detector/ tear-off, Antistatic device Advanced on feeder, Alcolor Vario System damping, Autoplate : semi-automated plate change, Double diameter impression cylinders, Double diameter transfer cylinder between printing units, with Air Transfer System with possibility to adjust automatically it based on thickness of material to print, Roller wash-up device controlled by Prinect Press Center, Blanket and impression cylinders automatic washing devices by Prinect Press Center, CombiStar CAN : Technotrans ink temp control combined with damping refrigeration + Alcosmart, Agitatori di inchiostro Technotrans, No.4 UV ZDT separate interdeck dryers, Technotrans beta.f cabin : dampening solution fine filtration, Interdeck drying ZDT prepared after 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8, Coating Star : heat coater system, Weko AP230 powder spray device, UV IST ZDT dryer in delivery 200 Watt Uv lamp power (CAN), Extended Delivery (240 cm / X3), Weko AP232 powder spray device, Antistatic device Advanced on delivery, ScrollStar : Atlas Copco compressor, AirStar Pro : central air box water cooled, 15.000 speed/h, FoilStar 74/45 Bielomatik, Technotrans beta.ps cabin : chiller for water cooled cabinets pump and circulation unit with 2 seperate circulations

Camporese Macchine Grafiche SpA

Camporese Macchine Grafiche SpA
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Manufacturer: Heidelberg
Model: SM XL 75
Year: 2008
Color(s): 8
Has Autoplate Loading: Yes
Size: 530 x 750 mm.
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