Heidelberg CD102 6 LX2

Heidelberg CD102 6 LX2


CP 2000 console touch screen, axial, circumferential and diagonal register remote control, ink ductors rotation control, job memorization, CP 2000 MasterLevel, CP 2000 Preset Link, Image Control (Spectrophotometry Quality Control), Preset Plus Feeder, Non-Stop on feeder, Head feeder 3 more suctions for paper transport, Ultrasonic sensor double-sheet control, Front sensor on flap of the feeder, Multiple-sheet detector/ tear-off, Multiple sheet control/Forwarding roller, Suction belt feeder with 3 sections of transport of sheets to the frontal registers, Pneumatic side register control with integrated auto cleaning and double sheet control with direct system, Slow down : system to slow the sheet down then 65% on feeder, No. 2 Eltex ion blowers on feeder, Eltex antistatic on feeder/delivery, Alcolor Vario System damping, Air transfer System Venturi, Roller wash-up device controlled by CP 2000, Modular blanket cylinder washing device by CP 2000, Modular impression cylinder washing device by CP 2000, Inking unit with remote distributor-roller adjustment, Varnishing unit, with cooking register, Tresu chambered doctor blade system, with anilox roller, Non-Stop in delivery, Preset Plus Delivery : a lot of preset functions and memorization, aereodinamic grippers system, slow down system by CP2000, panel in delivery, X2 modular extended delivery no. 2 modules, DryStar 3000 Combination via CanOpen (Version 3 moduls) N.ro 1 slide-in IR dryer with Hot air knives + no. 1 slide-in dryer for hot air + 1 slide-in dryer for enviromental air, PowderStar Plus Can : Grafix Exactronic Plus powder spray, CombiStar CAN : Technotrans ink temp control combined with damping refrigeration + Alcosmart, Wash Star : automatic cleaning of catch pans, AirStar : central air box air cooled, ScrollStar : Atlas Copco compressor, CleanStar : filter for powder spray suction, 15.000 speed/h, Intercom system: Microphone communication system

Camporese Macchine Grafiche SpA

Camporese Macchine Grafiche SpA
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Manufacturer: Heidelberg
Model: CD 102
Year: 2004
Color(s): 6
Has Autoplate Loading: Yes
Size: 720 x 1020 mm.
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