
Speed 15.000 c/h, 8/0; 4/4, PRINECT PRESS CENTER touch screen consolle, AutoPlate Advanced, X-Rite IntelliTrack, S/W PRESS CENTER MasterLever, S/W PRESS CENTER INSTANT GATE, S/W PRESS CENTER COLOR ASSISTANT PRO, S/W Press Center DryStar Advanced, PRESET PLUS FEEDER, Multiple-sheet detector/ tear-off, StaticStar Compact, Double sheet detector - pulling device, HYCOLOR + VARIO SYSTEM, COMBISTAR Beta C450 G Pro:ink temp.+ref.+AlcoSmart, Rollers washer by Prinect Press Center, Technotrans Beta.f: dampening filtration system, Blanket cyl. by Prinect Press Center, Wash impression cyl. by Prinect Press Center, Air Transfer System Venturi, WASHSTAR : automatic cleaning of catch pans, Varnishing unit with chambered doctor blade system, DryStar Combination CanOpen N.ro 4 slide-in, Coating Star : heat coater system, PRESET PLUS DELIVERY, CLEANSTAR : powder suction device in delivery, Non-stop delivery rake, Weko PowderStar AP500 Duo, X3 EXTENDED DELIVERY, Intercom system: Microphone communication, AIRSTAR : central air box water cooled, SCROLLSTAR: Atlas Copco compressor

Camporese Macchine Grafiche SpA

Camporese Macchine Grafiche SpA
Verified dealer
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Manufacturer: Heidelberg
Model: SM XL 106
Year: 2014
Color(s): 8
Has Autoplate Loading: Yes
Size: 750 x 1060 mm.
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