
Elevated machine 500 mm, Speed 15.000 c/h, CP 2000 touch screen consolle, CP 2000 MasterLever licence sofware, Autoplate, Preset, Steel plate feeder, Non stop feeder, N.ro 2 Eltex ion blowers, Eltex in feeder, ZMK electr. side lays control, Electromechanic sheet control, Alcolor VARIO SYSTEM, Ink temp.combined with ref.+ Automix, Rollers washer by CP2000, MODULAR blanket cylinder wash. device by CP2000, MODULAR wash impression cyl. by CP2000, Air transfer system Venturi, Remote distributor-roller adjustment, Varnishing unit with chambered doctor blade system, X2 EXTENDED DELIVERY, Heidelberg Com Con 110 IR/Hot air dryers, Eltex ionizing blow., Grafix Exactronic Plus, Non stop delivery, Intercom system: Microphone communication, Steel plate delivery, AIRSTAR Pro: central air box air cooled, Compressors

Camporese Macchine Grafiche SpA

Camporese Macchine Grafiche SpA
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Manufacturer: Heidelberg
Model: CD 102
Year: 1999
Color(s): 5
Has Autoplate Loading: Yes
Size: 720 x 1020 mm.
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