
Speed 15.000 c/h, 8/0; 4/4, PRINECT PRESS CENTER touch screen consolle, INPRESS CONTROL VERSION 2, S/W PRESS CENTER INSTANT GATE, S/W PRESS CENTER COLOR ASSISTANT PRO, S/W Press Center WallScren Application, WALLSCREEN Hardware, S/W PRESS CENTER NETPROFILER, PRESET PLUS FEEDER, Steel plate feeder, Autoplate XL; fully automatic + simultaneous, Electronic double sheet control, HYCOLOR + VARIO SYSTEM, COMBISTAR : ink temp.combined with ref.+ Alcosmart, Rollers washer by Prinect Press Center, Blanket cyl. by Prinect Press Center, Wash impression cyl. by Prinect Press Center, Air Transfer System Venturi, Varnishing unit with chambered doctor blade system, DryStar Combination CanOpen N.ro 4 slide-in, Coating Star : heat coater system, PRESET PLUS DELIVERY, CLEANSTAR : powder suction device in delivery, X3 EXTENDED DELIVERY, Weko PowderStar AP500 Duo, Steel plate delivery, Intercom system: Microphone communication, AIRSTAR : central air box water cooled, SCROLLSTAR: Atlas Copco compressor
under option

Camporese Macchine Grafiche SpA

Camporese Macchine Grafiche SpA
Verified dealer
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Manufacturer: Heidelberg
Model: SM XL 106
Year: 2014
Color(s): 8
Has Autoplate Loading: Yes
Size: 750 x 1060 mm.
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