Heidelberg SM 74 4 P H L 2006



Age: 2006 Max.Size: 74 x 52 cm (29 x 20 inch) Colors: 4 Impress.Count: 73 mio

Extras: Autoplate - Perfector - Digital Controls - Coater

Description: 4 colours Coater offset press of size 52 x 74 cm, COATING UNIT with Chambered Ductor Blade and Anilox Roller – High Pile Delivery with Infra-Red Dryer - PRINT CENTER (CP 2000) - AUTOPLATE - PRESET Feeder with Central Suction Tape - ALCOLOR dampening - Technotrans Central Refrigeration - ALL Automatic washers (blanket, rollers and impression cylinders) - Steel Plate in feeder and delivery - chromed cylinders - electronic double sheet and side lays control - Antistatic Device - Grafix Alphatronic 200 Powder Spray – Perfector 4/0-2/2

Gutenberg Grafische machines B.V.

Gutenberg Grafische machines B.V.
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Manufacturer: Heidelberg
Model: SM 74
Year: 2006
Impressions: 73 mio.
Color(s): 4
Size: 520 x 740 mm.
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