H&H Mailer 1 & 2 System



Hertzog Heymann Mailing Machine
Equipped with:
Round type feeder Gremser (GUK) control panel
Infeed sidelay register with ball bearings complete with slew control

Mailer 1 & 2 specified as follows:
H&H Year 2002
Infeed sidellay with ball bearings
Double sidelay on both mailers
Rotary perforation, slitting & scoring shafts (2 on both units)
Start stop perforation / scoring – HHS controller including 4 H&H start / stop heads (1 controller)

Fold units 2002
1 x 8 plate H&H M7 folding unit with segmented folding rollers
8 x swing deflector plates with segmented mouth guides (nylon)
Slitter, perforation, scoring shafts after folding buckles

1 x 4 plate H&H M7 folding unit with segmented folding rollers
4x swing deflector plates with segmented mouth guides (nylon)
Slitter, perforation, scoring shafts after folding buckles

MBO ASP 66 press shingle delivery with marking device

3 x Robatech hot melt systems, minimum 2 glue applicators each

Condition: As is in good working condition

Portman Graphic Limited

Portman Graphic Limited
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Manufacturer: Herzog + Heymann
Model: M 7 70/442
Year: 2002
Location: Ireland
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