Gammerler KL 511 Compensating-Stacker



Gammerler KL 501/1 in excellent condition totally overhauled in 2017.
Gammerler KL 511/1 and KL 560/PLC also available.

Suitable to most web-offset-presses up to a max. speed of 90.000 pph. Counting, collecting and stacking signatures with 4 to 96 pages.

Max. product-size: 500 mm x 330 mm
Min. product-size: 140 mm x 105 mm
Max. pile-height: 300 mm

Basically consisting of:
- infeed-belt-conveyor, adjustable from 500 to 1100 mm
- waste-gap integrated in the infeed-conveyor
- jogger-unit to get a straight shingle-stream
- counting-device
- stacking-basket mounted on a turn-table
- stack-feeding in operating-height 890 mm
- synchronized run of the stacker with press-speed

Pre-wired for 380/480 V, 50/60 cycles.
Compressed-air-consumption: 1000 Nl/min – 6 bar.
Electrical power required: 3 kW.
Weight: about 1000 kg

Graphic Know-How BUHL GmbH

Graphic Know-How BUHL GmbH
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Manufacturer: Gämmerler
Model: KL511
Year: 1994
Stations: 1
Location: Germany
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