Canvas Cutter (Fotoba TJOL)



"The Fotoba TJOL series has the ability to cut both X and Y axis providing the fastest finish of posters printed in rolls, (transport speed up to 18 meters per minute).

Multiple motorized cutting units (optional) can be easily positioned anywhere across the width to trim several images printed on the same row.

The horizontal blade cuts accross the media producing perfectly square trimmed images.

The units can handle numerous tyoes of mediawith a maximum thickness of 0.5mm (20mil) including Polycarbonates, Laminates and Encapsulated media, Photo Paper, Vinyl, Sticky Back Vinyl, PVC, Inkjet and Electrostatic Plotters media, Graphic Arts Film, Duratrans and MANY more."


U.S. Virgin Islands
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Manufacturer: Fotoba
Model: TJOL XY Cutter
Price: Log in to see prices
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